5 Amazing iTaste MVP 2.0 Skins and Sleeves

When I first got my hands on Innokin’s iTaste MVP 2.0, I simply loved this device. I still do – it never fails, is very durable and has an overall great build quality. Of course, times have changed now, and the sub-ohm tanks and 50 watt up to 150 watt mods are in the limelight now. However, my observations show that a lot of people still use some of the older iTaste mods – like the MVP or the MVP 2.0. Why is it so? These devices are available nearly everywhere in the world; they are very cheap and also suitable for those who are taking their first steps in the vaping mod world.

For those who already have an MVP 2.0 in their possession and also for those who are planning to get one, here’s a list of 10 amazing, practical and simply great skins, wraps and other accessories for this device. It’s time to buy an outfit for that little beast and make it look really sexy!

5 Amazing iTaste MVP 2.0 Skins and Sleeves

1. Plain Black Leather Case

It’s never too late to wrap your vaping device in some kind of protective layer! Simple black leather always looks great, and it will save your favorite vaping device from nasty scratches.

2. Vinyl Money Skin Wrap

For all you hustlers out there grindin’ and vapin’ – wrap your mods up in those Benjamins!

3. Vinyl Zebra Skin Wrap

I once had a conversation with a girl vaping on an MVP 2.0 with this particular wrap on it. It looked great and, let me tell you, quite glamorous and sexy.

4. Wood Grain Custom Leather Sleeve


Some sellers on Etsy offer quite stunning and, most importantly, handmade accessories for the MVP 2.0. Like this wood grain leather sleeve, for example, which features a purple stitching on the back side. Beautifully done!

5. Protective Carbon Fiber Wraps


Vaporbeast offers some great protective wraps for your MVP 2.0 (and also MVP 20w) which are also very affordable – you can get them for just under a euro! And they come in many different colors.

If you own an MVP 2.0 and have some tips on how to protect it from all the elements, please leave a comment below! Or, if you’re just planning to get one, check out our Innokin iTaste MVP 2.0 review!



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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

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