
5 Effective Ways To Promote Medicinal Cannabis In 2020

Buying a bong is an experience that comes with a lot of excitement, and if you are doing it for the first time, the process could appear daunting. There are many styles and designs that you have to choose from, so you have to refine your search criteria to ensure you choose the perfect bong to cater for your needs. If you are in the market to get a bong, you probably have wondered if there is a guide you could use to choose the right bong. This guide gives you important tips that will help you to choose the right bong. Glass Thickness One of the first things you want to watch is the thickness of the glass used on the bong. This is important as it decides the duration your bong will last. Thicker class will give you better service, which is also dependent on how you use can care for the bong. If you are careful enough to keep it safe, then you might not need to worry about the thickness of the glass. If your plan is to carry it anywhere, then you might do well with thick glass, so pick thickness anywhere from 3.5mm and above. Browse through online headshops to see the different thickness options available that you can choose. Joint Sizes Joints are commonly offered in two sizes, 14mm and 18mm. You can find other sizes which can work as well, but the idea is to ensure you use a bong with joints in the above range and you will enjoy using it. The point is to ensure you choose something that gives you the comfort you need and enjoyment, which can be found in making the right decision for a joint size as well as the general size of the bong. Add-Ons You can also consider some add-ons that are needed to make your experience awesome. A splash guard could come in handy as it helps to block dirty bong water from entering into your mouth. Adding an Ice Pinch will hold ice that will help to cool the smoke down, and an Ash Catcher gives another level of filtration by catching all the ash produced. Don’t forget to consider a percolator, which works to cool the smoke to achieve a less harsh hit. Most of these add-ons are included in some types of bongs when buying and will help you enjoy a refined experience. Other Material Choices Besides glass bongs, you will also get some amazing ceramic bongs, most of which come in unique designs like statues. Ceramic bongs are smaller than a lot of glass bongs and the reason is because they are made with material that is heavier. These also offer many color options for your custom setup. You also have plastic bongs to choose from, and these are much lighter and will last longer than the average glass bong. Choosing a bong is an important decision that you have to make after serious consideration. You should review the many available options to pick the best in the list to serve your needs. You should choose a bong that can satisfy your needs, so the options discussed above could help you make a good decision in this case.

Do you have a medicinal cannabis business? Are you looking for ways to promote medicinal cannabis and your venture? If the answer to either of the questions is affirmative, you have reached the right place. The cannabis industry is on an ever-increasing ‘high,’ and with the increasing research, the popularity of medicinal cannabis is only going to rise. While there are plenty of benefits of medicinal cannabis, it is still in the grey area. If you are having trouble promoting medicinal cannabis, here are a few ingenious ways to spread the word about your business.

What is medicinal cannabis?

You might have heard a lot about cannabis, but do you know what it is? Marijuana is a therapeutic plant that is helping people all around the globe. The plant contains over a hundred different chemical compounds known as cannabinoids that can have different effects on your body. Among them, CBD or cannabidiol and THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol are among the most prominent. These cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system and its receptors in your body and alter how you feel or react. They have medicinal properties that can treat many physical and psychological ailments. The doctors are recommending cannabis and its components as an effective solution for pain, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy, arthritis, and many more.

What are the effective ways to promote it in 2020?

1.       Make awareness your priority:

Gone are the times when people used to frown upon the mere mention of terms like cannabis or marijuana. With increasing research and legalization, people are becoming aware of this medicinal plant. But, there is still room for more popularity.

New customers are abundant in the cannabis industry, but what is stopping the potential audience from turning into sales is the lack of information. Rather than selling the products straightway, it is better to adopt a strategy to educate the people first about medicinal uses and benefits of it. The audience will be more likely to invest in medicinal cannabis once they know the advantages of using it. Reviews and testimonials of people can be very helpful. Top cannabis strain reviews at  are a great example of it.

2.       Conduct events:

Another way to interact with and educate potential customers is by holding events. The events become a suitable platform that brings together all the people who have a keen interest in medicinal cannabis. It gives you an opportunity to promote not only your brand but also the plant.

You can curate a unique flagship event for your brand. A wellness event will help promote the use of medicinal cannabis and engage with your customers. You can even talk about the medicinal strains of Canada marijuana and help them understand the usage.

3.       Collaborate with influencers:

There are still many countries that have not legalized the use of medicinal cannabis as yet. The governments may even impose rules and regulations on the companies regarding the marketing of products also though cannabis is legal. If you feel you are unable to promote your medicinal cannabis products, taking the help of influencers might save the day. The regulations for influencers are different and sometimes much lenient so they can help you promote the products on their handles. The influencer can create interesting content that engages their followers, educate them about the therapeutic properties of cannabis, and also bring attention to your brand. You can also direct them to use your products as free giveaways to get the users accustomed to cannabis medicines. Influencers would help people buy weed online Canada by educating them about its benefits & by offering promotional discounts.

4.       Stay updated with the trends:

The cannabis market is constantly evolving. There are new strains, products, methods, and benefits of consuming cannabis coming up almost every day. To promote medicinal cannabis, it becomes crucial to stay updated with the trends. Be it your products, the packaging, the purpose they serve, or the marketing strategy; it is always beneficial to keep reinventing.

5.       Go online:

We live in the era of digital, and it wouldn’t be wise to move over that arena completely. All the major corporations have their presence digitally to promote the products. While a website can be an excellent way to promote medicinal cannabis, social media platforms can be more feasible for a new brand. You can make accounts of your brand on all social media platforms. By posting engaging and informative content, you can bring the attention of the audience to medicinal cannabis. Some platforms might not allow promotion of cannabis. Make sure you use cannabis imagery and text with caution, so as to avoid getting them rejected. The reach of social media is already at an all-time high, and it is only going to grow in 2020.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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