
9 Ways You Can Get Moist and Glass Skin this Winter

Get Moist and Glass Skin this Winter

After the many months of basking in the sun and enjoying your vacation, it is now time to get back to your heavy clothes ready for the coldest season of the year. The harsh winter weather that you are now getting prepared for can be uncomfortable, damaging, not to mention inconvenient. Without taking caution, it is possible to cause havoc to your skin health. However, when you have the right preparations, it is possible to make it through and have fun in the season. It is possible to get the tips that will help your skin look smooth, even-toned, and lustrous throughout winter. For this reason, when putting into place measures and preparation to help you through winter safely and comfortably, skincare tips should be a priority. Below is comprehensive information on what is a glass skin and how you can help ensure that you maintain it throughout winter.

What Is a Glass Skin?

Ideally, glass skin is a name used to describe a skin that is luminous, clear, and transparent. The skin is also dewy and without pores, making it look like glass, thus its name. Some of the tips to help you maintain your glass skin during winter are such as:

  1. Double cleanse your skin
  2. Exfoliate
  3. Add an essence
  4. Treat with ampoule or serum
  5. Moisturize the skin
  6. Use an eye cream
  7. Seal your skin with a mask

Other tips to help your skin remain moist and glass are such as:

  1. Take a lot of water

More often than not, one may ignore or forget taking water during winter, especially due to low temperature. However, as much as taking a lot of water may seem like insurance at the moment, not taking enough water can result in adverse effects on your skin. This is especially because of the low humidity levels that are associated with winter. When the humidity is low, there is a lot of water absorbed from the skin, thus leaving it dry.

Hence, make sure that you sip water throughout the day, and if possible, try to consume the same amount that you drink during summer. Additionally, it is more advisable to take small amounts of water at different times of the day other than taking a lot of it at the same time. Taking teas such as lemon or natural ginger will also help serve the same purpose as water.

  1. Choose skincare products wisely

The products that your skin may use during winter differ from those that it will use during summer. For this reason, as the season changes, you should also change the products that you have been using. Considering what your skin needs most at the moment is moisture, consider using products that will help in moisturizing it. Additionally, go for products that will not strip the already existing moisture on the skin. Products that will help mask the skin are also recommended as this will not only help soothe tired skin but also replenish moisture and repair any existing damage on the skin and which is why we only trust CBDfx for all our skincare needs.

However, when looking for new products to use on your skin during winter, be on the lookout to avoid using products that will have adverse effects on your skin. You could consult your physician before using any new product, especially if you have sensitive skin. On the other hand, you can use different products from the same company to help encourage consistency.

  1. Reduce shower time and the temperature

With the cold weather, it is tempting to prolong the showering time, and especially in the steamy water. However, as much as this gives you a comfortable feeling and a break from the cold weather, it causes more harm than good to the skin. For this reason, it is advisable to reduce the time that you spend in your bathroom. Additionally, reduce the temperature of the water you use even when washing your hands. Cool water will kill germs and keep your skin safe. If the water that you are using makes your hands turn red, it is too hot for your skin and can cause harm to it.

  1. Moisturize frequently

Using a moisturizer is not one of the most exciting things to do during winter. However, if you wish to keep your skin moist and glass throughout the season, then you should take advantage of the various moisturizers. During winter, it is best to use ointment or cream moisturizers instead of lotion moisturizers. Therefore, apply a moisturizer on your skin after you take a shower and on your hands after washing. Additionally, wear household gloves when doing any household chores to help protect your hands. This way, you help prevent moisture from leaving your body through the skin, thus avoiding dryness and the problems that come along as a result of dry skin. From CBD moisturizers to lotions, everything you need at Getkush can be delivered at your doorstep.  You can also check out CBD Affiliate Program Opportunities to get great discount offers on CBD products.

  1. Watch what you wear

During winter weather, wearing warm clothes is the only option. However, some of the clothes that you wear cause more harm than good. Some of these clothes that you use during winter will accelerate drying up of moisture on your skin. For instance, when the wool and rough clothing come into contact with your skin, they cause dryness to the skin, which can also be itchy and irritating. Therefore, opt for light, breathable, and soft materials against your skin and then use more substantial and warmer cloths on top. For your hands, use mittens or gloves and remember to go for the kind that will not be irritating to your skin. When you wear the right clothes, your skin will remain healthy and look good even after the harsh weather that is usually harsh on the skin.

  1. Watch what you eat

The foods that you eat help determine the health of all parts of your body, including the skin. For this reason, when choosing the foods to eat during winter, go for the foods that will help moisturize the skin. Additionally, you can consider using supplements that will also help maintain the moisture. For instance, go for supplements that contain omega-6 fatty acids or omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, as these are ideal for your skin.

If you have to take any drinks, go for warm beverages, and those that will help keep your body energized, thus keeping your body well moisturized.

  1. Use a sunscreen

Ideally, sunscreen is considered an item for use during summer and not winter. However, studies show that during bright winter days, snow reflects the sun rays, thus increasing the risk of exposure. Direct exposure of sun rays on your skin could result in severe conditions, such as discoloring of the skin, among others. For this reason, whether you are playing on the snow, walking along the parking lot, or out on the slopes, it is always advisable to use a sunscreen.

Do not be tempted to do away with the sunscreen during the darker days of the season. The rays that are harmful to your skin can still penetrate the dark clouds on such a day and affect the skin. Therefore, make sure that you are using sunscreen on all parts of your body for maximum protection.

  1. Go for fragrance-free and gentle cleaners

The soap that you use during the winter season also has an impact on the skin. Like other skin products, some of the soaps that you can go for will end up causing more harm than good. According to studies, using the wrong soap can deteriorate the dry and itching skin. Some of the soaps, such as regular bar soaps, may have irritating fragrances, among other irritating ingredients that will cause more harm to your skin.

Additionally, you can also prevent skin problems during the winter by reducing the amount of soap that you use. The lower the amount of soap you use, the fewer the risk of having any soap related problem. On the other hand, you can consider reducing the areas where you use soap on your body and use it only on the essential areas such as hands, armpits, and feet.

Avoid toxins on the skin

With the low humidity in the winter season, your skin is prone to many problems that may affect it. For this reason, it is essential to avoid exposing your skin to other toxins that can accelerate the problem. This is true, especially if you have dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, among other issues that may result in a flare.

Additionally, remember that your skin is fragile during winter, and you should avoid all irritating fabrics such as wool, and chemical-filled detergents, to name just a few. Mild moisturizers and cleansers, which are designed for sensitive skin, should be your first consideration. It is advisable to look for substances that help your body get rid of the toxic substances in the body. This way, your skin remains safe throughout the winter season.


Winter weather is uncomfortable, mainly due to its low humidity levels and cold weather. Like in any other season, taking precautions can help prevent any of the disadvantages associated with winter. A blend of what you eat and what you wear will ensure you remain safe. Use the information above to understand some of the ways through which your skin can maintain its glass look throughout winter.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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