
A Guide for Vaping Cannabis

The world of medical marijuana has developed so much over the last decade. The average consumer has numerous options at hand. One of the most popular ways, especially among beginners, is vaping.

This method is very popular due to its availability and ease of use. The method involves heating of cannabis into fine vapor. It doesn’t involve combustion and is believed to be a healthier mode of consumption versus traditional smoking.

If you’re a beginner looking for a guide as to how to get started, then this article is for you. To begin with, let’s first discuss the three main types of vaporizers that you can use for weed.

Dry Herb/Vaporizer

As the name suggests, this type utilizes the herb, heats it up, and releases vapor minus the carbonization. It is portable, hand-held, and very easy to use. The experience is very similar to first hand smoking the weed.

This type is highly encouraged for individuals who grow their own weed. There are numerous benefits to growing your own weed: quality controls, cost cuts, stress relief, etc. You can hasten their growth by using LED lights. There are a lot of options you can choose from for the best LED grow lights for weed.

Table-top Vape

This type of device is more advanced. It is not portable due to its size and complexity. Despite its expensiveness, there are benefits to investing in one, one of which is having precise control over the temperature which is favorable to the weed. This is important for individuals who have specific medical marijuana needs. Some components of marijuana can only be extracted at specific temperatures. This brings about a stronger weed flavor and is recommended for individuals who need specific and strong medication at home.


This is perhaps the most popular way to vape in the market. It is popular due to its affordability. These are commonly known as pen vaporizers. As the name suggests, they are engineered to be small, portable, and discreet. They are usually battery operated.

Its inexpensiveness has some drawbacks. The flavor from concentrates and oils can be compromised and “watered-down” since they are commercially manufactured. Hence, it is recommended for hobbyists and beginners. If you want a stronger flavor, there are numerous guides on how you can extract oils and concentrates from your home-grown weed so that you can preserve the integrity of its flavor.

With the brief discussion of the different types available on the market, the next step is for you to decide which one best suits your needs. Other factors that should be considered include durability, ease of use, and the expenses. In the end, it is important to factor in what will give you the premium experience that will satisfy your needs.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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