Category: CBD

Best Ways to Store Your Cannabis Stash 0

The Best Ways to Store Your Cannabis Stash

Cannabis or marijuana is the most common illicit drug in the world, which is slowly gaining popularity due to its several health benefits. The cannabis consists of three main species- cannabis Sativa, cannabis indica and ruderalis. There are over 120 compounds in the cannabis plant — the most popular of...

Gravity Bong tips 0

How To Use Cannabis Safely

Though cannabis is one of the most popular and widely used drugs in the world, there has been a distinct lack of scientifically verified research and guidelines for its use. With that in mind, a group of scientists got together to create the LRCUG (or Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines). This...


Raw CBD vs Pure CBD Oils

There are two varieties of oil that can be extracted from the raw hemp plant. There is pure oil, the isolated type, and raw oil, also called “full-spectrum”. The differences between the two varieties comes from the ways these oils are extracted from the hemp plant. Rather than bore you...

CBD Cigarettes 0

CBD Cigarettes

While it may not have occurred to CBD joint users that there exists a cigarette made from pure hemp and not nicotine, there is no doubt that CBD cigarettes are taking the world by storm. The difference between CBD cigarettes and the other typical cigarettes is that the former is...

CBD Joint 0

A CBD Joint

Hemp smokers adore the idea of rolling their weed in different raw papers to get the rough and coarse feeling of smoking a joint. A CBD joint is a blunt rolled out of pure hemp. Once you puff the smoke once, the feeling kicks in within the first 5 minutes....

Incredible Ways To Take CBD For Better Results 0

Incredible Ways To Take CBD For Better Results

The growing awareness regarding medical applications of Cannabis has led to increased research and studies on the subject. There’s no doubt that cannabis has proven to be useful in treating many chronic health ailments. Although, these studies are still in the primitive phase and need more solid evidence to prove,...

CBD Flower and Vaping CBD Benefits 0

CBD Flower and Vaping CBD Benefits

CBD is amazing in any form that you choose to consume it. The difference between CBD flower and CBD vape stretch far and wide, including and not limited to the rate and duration of absorption, but also impacts that each of them has to your body. Despite all these differences,...

Alternatives to CBD Vaping 0

Alternatives to CBD Vaping

It’s pretty difficult to avoid negative stories about vaping in the news these days – and in particular, a mysterious lung illness that has sickened at least 1,299 people and killed 26 is the number one topic. Medical researchers have focused on illicit THC vaping cartridges as the most probable...

Gravity Bong tips 0

Types Of Marijuana Packaging Every Business Should Know

Since the decriminalization of cannabis, commercial enterprises have stepped in for financial benefits in the arena. And, it’s not just the cultivators or retailers, but other auxiliary businesses as well that are enjoying the perks. One of the most popular industries supporting cannabis trade is the packaging industry. Having said...