Thinking about traveling but not sure where you can legally vape? Then check out our guide to where you can and can’t use your vaporizer!
Countries, where vaping is banned, can be a difficult list to nail down. Some countries actively encourage vaping and e-cigarettes, while others are completely the opposite. While you can vape in some countries, it’s illegal to sell e-cigarettes or e-liquid.
One of the most pro-vaping countries in the world is the United Kingdom. Their government actively encourages vaping as a useful quit smoking tool. Due to the financial burden which is placed on the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, the government has decided to stand behind vaping as a cheaper and healthier option when compared to cigarettes. One of their studies has gone as to claim that vaping could be as much as 95% safer than regular cigarettes.
Other countries like the United States have taken a more cautious approach to vaping with the FDA rapidly trying to reign in what it sees as an unregulated industry. Canada has leaned more towards the United Kingdom’s approach to vaping but allowed provinces to make up their own rules which sometimes contradict the federal approach.
Overall, there are more than forty countries which have some type of ban or restriction on vaping, either through the sale of vaping equipment and accessories, vaping use, or the sale of e-liquids which contain nicotine.
Australia has probably some of the hardest vaping laws to understand and follow. The sale of e-liquid which contains nicotine is illegal, but you can import it for personal use in small countries. The sale of vaporizers and e-cigarettes are legal in all states, but it’s illegal to use them in some states. The only law which is largely policed is the sale of e-liquid which contains nicotine. However, you can also import nicotine for personal use to add to your own e-liquids.
What Is Nicotine and What Are Its Effects?
Nicotine was first isolated from the tobacco plant in 1828. Scientists began studying how nicotine worked and how it affected the body and brain. They discovered that even though the tobacco plant contains thousands of chemicals, it was nicotine which was responsible for most of the sensations and addiction which people experienced when they smoked tobacco.
Recent studies have found that nicotine is as addictive as alcohol, heroin, and cocaine. Some of the effects which you will experience when you consume nicotine are increases in blood pressure, changes in your respiration, constriction of arteries and increased alertness. Nicotine can be absorbed through the skin and is extremely dangerous, so always take adequate precautions when handling it.
Countries Where Vaping Is Banned?
It’s extremely difficult to track all the vaping laws from around the world. Some countries constantly change their stance on vaping, while others have an official law on vaping but choose not to enforce it. We’ll try and give you a brief look at the most popular countries where vaping is banned and then give you a brief explanation on them. If you plan on traveling and vaping, then we highly suggest that you spend a few minutes researching the countries you’ll be travelling to and even speaking to people who have been there or live there currently.
If you know that any laws have changed recently or can add any insight, then please don’t hesitate to comment below and link to any reference articles which you have.
- Bahrain – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Brunei – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Egypt – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Iran – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Jordan – Illegal to use and illegal to sell.
- Lebanon – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Oman – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Qatar – Illegal to use and illegal to sell.
- Saudi Arabia – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Antigua and Barbuda – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Argentina – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Brazil – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Chile – Legal to use only approved medical products.
- Columbia – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Mexico – Legal to use but illegal to sell. Mexico is fluctuating. Most tourists have reported that they have no problems with vaping in Mexico.
- Nicaragua – Illegal to use and sell.
- Panama – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- The United States – Legal to use and legal to sell, but the situation is very fluid. The FDA has put orders in place which restricts new products entering the market and is attempting to clamp down on the vaping market.
- Uruguay – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Venezuela – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Ethiopia – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Gambia – Illegal to use and sell.
- Mauritius – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Seychelles – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Uganda – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Bhutan – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Cambodia – Illegal to use and sell.
- East Timor – Banned completely.
- India – Vaporizers aren’t banned, but the government is pushing states to bad them.
- Japan – Legal to use but illegal to sell e-liquid with nicotine.
- North Korea – Banned completely.
- Malaysia – Fluid. The government enforces its anti-vaping laws sporadically.
- Nepal – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Singapore – Banned completely. Heavy fines and enforced.
- Sri Lanka – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Thailand – Legal to use but illegal to sell. Be wary of taking your vaping products to Thailand.
- Turkmenistan – Banned completely.
- Turkey – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Australia – Legal to vape in most states, but illegal to sell e-liquid which contains nicotine. The sale of vaping products isn’t actively policed, except for advertising and displaying them.
Most countries allow vaping in Europe.
- Norway – Legal to use but illegal to sell.
- Vatican City – Banned completely.