
Easy Tips To Have The Best Vaping Sessions This Holiday Season

The best gift you can give yourself this holiday season is to switch from smoking to vaping. It takes you a step closer to healthy consumption as vapor does not have harmful carcinogens and is easy on your lungs. Not to mention, you will love the slow and cool hits as they seem to take over your body and mind. Even as a seasoned vaper, you can try something different to enhance your experience. Here are some easy tips you can implement for having the best vaping sessions this holiday season.

Start with a tolerance break

It may sound counterintuitive, but taking a break before the festivities is a great idea. You only have to take a couple of weeks off to get cannabis out of your system. It resets your tolerance levels, and you end up getting more with less once you start vaping again. A tolerance break seems like a lot of effort if you are a regular, but it is worthwhile considering that your subsequent experiences will be a lot better.

Try different flavors

Whether you use herbs, vape oils, or concentrates for vaping, variety always makes things better. Try different flavors to have the best time during the holidays. The good thing is that cannabis is legal in the country, and finding new products is easier than ever. You can explore dispensaries and online stores to find new and interesting flavors to add zing to your sessions. Just make sure you buy only quality products from a credible seller.

Experiment with tools

Ramping up your vaping sessions is also about experimenting with tools and accessories. You can stick with the basics or upgrade depending on your current skill levels. Check illuminati glass for the trending options and pick the ones you want to experiment with. You can even graduate from vaping to dabbing to feel the punch with concentrates. Be open to trying new things, and you may have the best sessions ever.

Try new tricks

Vaping tricks are not just for pros, and you can even try them as a newbie. The method produces thick clouds, and it is easy to try something different with your technique. You can watch YouTube videos or seek recommendations from an expert. A little adjustment with your device does the rest. You can come up with incredible tricks that impress others and give an extra kick.

Vape with your gang

Planning a vaping party with your gang is another great way to take your experiences a notch higher. The feeling of having your buddies around adds to the excitement. Moreover, you can try a new product, tool, or technique with suggestions from seasoned buddies. But make sure you follow the vaping safety rules during the sessions. It is equally crucial to stick with social distancing this season.

A great vaping session takes innovation and experimentation. The holiday season is the best time to try them because you are in party mode. Follow these tips, and you can have the best time this year.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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