
First Time Smoking Weed: Tips and Expects

Buying a bong is an experience that comes with a lot of excitement, and if you are doing it for the first time, the process could appear daunting. There are many styles and designs that you have to choose from, so you have to refine your search criteria to ensure you choose the perfect bong to cater for your needs. If you are in the market to get a bong, you probably have wondered if there is a guide you could use to choose the right bong. This guide gives you important tips that will help you to choose the right bong. Glass Thickness One of the first things you want to watch is the thickness of the glass used on the bong. This is important as it decides the duration your bong will last. Thicker class will give you better service, which is also dependent on how you use can care for the bong. If you are careful enough to keep it safe, then you might not need to worry about the thickness of the glass. If your plan is to carry it anywhere, then you might do well with thick glass, so pick thickness anywhere from 3.5mm and above. Browse through online headshops to see the different thickness options available that you can choose. Joint Sizes Joints are commonly offered in two sizes, 14mm and 18mm. You can find other sizes which can work as well, but the idea is to ensure you use a bong with joints in the above range and you will enjoy using it. The point is to ensure you choose something that gives you the comfort you need and enjoyment, which can be found in making the right decision for a joint size as well as the general size of the bong. Add-Ons You can also consider some add-ons that are needed to make your experience awesome. A splash guard could come in handy as it helps to block dirty bong water from entering into your mouth. Adding an Ice Pinch will hold ice that will help to cool the smoke down, and an Ash Catcher gives another level of filtration by catching all the ash produced. Don’t forget to consider a percolator, which works to cool the smoke to achieve a less harsh hit. Most of these add-ons are included in some types of bongs when buying and will help you enjoy a refined experience. Other Material Choices Besides glass bongs, you will also get some amazing ceramic bongs, most of which come in unique designs like statues. Ceramic bongs are smaller than a lot of glass bongs and the reason is because they are made with material that is heavier. These also offer many color options for your custom setup. You also have plastic bongs to choose from, and these are much lighter and will last longer than the average glass bong. Choosing a bong is an important decision that you have to make after serious consideration. You should review the many available options to pick the best in the list to serve your needs. You should choose a bong that can satisfy your needs, so the options discussed above could help you make a good decision in this case.

In the past decade, the cannabis industry has proven to be one of the fastest-growing ones in the world. With the production of all kinds of cannabis-infused products that offer plenty of benefits to consumers, experts have every reason to believe that the industry will continue to grow significantly in the future.

Because of the many health benefits cannabis has shown to provide consumers, there has also been an increase in the number of new consumers. Whether it is to alleviate anxiety, relieve aches and pains, improve appetite, or simply for recreational use, there are many reasons why people start smoking weed.

However, in order to reap all the benefits cannabis provides and have an elevated first-time smoking experience, it is important that you follow a few tips. To get you started, here is the ultimate guide for total beginners on how to smoke weed and what to expect.

Get all weed essentials

Before you embark on your first weed-smoking journey, you should gather all weed essentials you need for an elevated experience. Some of the most important items you may need include a hand pipe, an ash-catcher, a rolling tray, a quality grinder, rolling papers, and a weed container.

When it comes to choosing a weed container, make sure it is airtight, smell-proof, and waterproof. There are plenty of options available, with a glass jar and a wooden weed box being the two most commonly preferred choices among smokers. Both keep your cannabis at the perfect humidity, preserve its flavor and prolong its potency.

Choose your smoking method

There are several ways you can smoke weed. Some of the most popular consumption methods include joints, blunts, bongs, one-hitters, pipes, and vape pens. Since it is your first time smoking weed, it is advised that you start with weed pipes. They are easy to use, don’t have filtration, and don’t require rolling skills like joints and blunts.

Besides that, weed pipes are actually more affordable than other smoking tools. They are also endlessly customizable which means you have plenty of pipe options to choose from with interesting designs that suit your taste.

Start with a low THC strain

As a beginner, it is recommended that you start with a low THC strain. This way you can reduce the likelihood of a bad trip.

If you want to be on the safe side, you should consider talking to a budtender at your local dispensary. These people are actually weed professionals who have lots of valuable information about the various types of weed you should choose for your first-time experience.

Depending on the reasons for your smoking, the budtender will recommend certain medicinal and recreational strains as well as proper dosage instructions.

Stay hydrated

One of the most common side effects associated with smoking cannabis is dry mouth, commonly known as cottonmouth. This happens because the THC compound binds to the cannabinoid receptors in your submandibular glands which produce saliva and stops them from functioning temporarily.

So, for your first-time smoking experience, make sure you have a bottle of water nearby to stay hydrated and keep your mouth moist at all times. Drinking water will also help with coughing by helping relieve the burn and itch in your throat that usually occurs when learning to smoke.

Learn your limits

Another thing you need to pay attention to during your first-time weed smoking experience is to take your time and learn your limits. It is best that you first start taking a few puffs so you can slowly feel all of the effects of cannabis on your body. This will give you time to feel the intensity of the effects and define your current mood.

Think about whether you feel calm, overwhelmed or anxious or if you are experiencing any negative feelings. Make sure you keep track of how many puffs you take to get high because too many can lead to a greater risk of side effects. 

Final thoughts

In the past few years, cannabis has proven to offer plenty of benefits to people. Because of this, the number of new consumers has increased as they become more interested in the various effects cannabis provides.

However, in order to have the best first weed smoking experience, it is important that you are well-prepared ahead of time by gathering the right cannabis essentials and knowing what to expect. Use our post as a reference to help you embark on your weed smoking journey with ease.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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