Hookah Battle – wordlwide competitions for hookah masters in more than 15 countries

There is something interesting that vape community can look in hookah community. Hookah Battle – is chain of championships organized from the creators of this concept since 2011 (more than 8 years).

How it works?

Usually competitions take place on hookah festivals and expos. Any person 18+ can participate individual or as a team, usually teams represent some hookah lounges or hookah shops.

hookah battle


Team need to prepare 1 hookah for the Jury using own ingredients. There is no rules how contest hookah need to looks like. That’s why experience teams prepare crazy hookahs.

Who is the Jury?

Usually its some popular hookah bloggers or well known leaders of brands from hookah industry

What is the prize for winners?

In some competitions there are cash prizes and in some – gifts from sponsors. Each team who participated in any hookah battle goes to “Hall Of Fame” – worldwide rating of hookah masters https://halloffame.hookahbattle.com/en/teams-rating/ – great chance to have a free promotion for yourself.

For more info you can check and subscribe hookah battle social media pages:

Do you think vape community can make something similar? Or maybe in collaboration with Hookah Battle? Type in comment.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

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