
How E-Cigarettes can affect your Sports?

How E-Cigarettes can affect your Sports

We never see athletes being associated with bad habits let alone cigarettes. There is always an exception to the rule. There are some athletes who indulge is smoking whether they are cigarettes or cigars such as Barkley and Jordan. Some even chew tobacco whereas some vape. While this belief is revolving around that athletes do not indulge in such habits there are pieces of evidence that have proved this belief wrong. The question is what benefits are they getting out of smoking which we are not aware of? Stick around for the answers.

Reasons for using e-cigarettes

The reason behind athlete’s using e-cigarettes is for the effect of nicotine. It has been rumored that the stimulant has positive effects on the performance of athletes. The fact that most athletes don’t smoke rather they ingest nicotine explains that it’s the effect of nicotine they are after. Vaping is a new technology that has evolved to help quit smoking. In return, it will boost your energy. E-cigarettes let you control the amount of nicotine you take in step by step. Tobacco flavored e-juices are also available for tobacco addicts.

The process of healing

When you step in the transition of making your life cigarette free your lungs start healing themselves. When you stop taking in nicotine the tar that is accumulated in your lungs for a long time will be removed. Your breathing will improve as you will try to take in deeper breaths. Your health will improve just within a few weeks. Diseases like depression, anxiety, and irritability will be gone in no time.

Effect of e-cigarettes on sports

Many reports have been presented on the effect of e-cigarettes on most athletes’ performance. Their ability to run for long distances is improved after starting the use of e-cigarettes. In strength training as well reports have shown that athletes were able to achieve more heavy lifts targets after they start vaping. If you vape a lot before workout it usually leads to loss of breaths but it’s still less as compared to the effect tobacco cigarettes have. Cardio exercise is also affected by vaping. Research has proved that vaping improve cardio performance. It provides the ability to run longer. During strength training, a few reports show an athlete can do heavier lifts than before you vape. It should be kept in mind to avoid vaping a couple of hours before working out as it leads to shortening of breath and can have an impact on your performance in the field.

Vaping has been in use for many years now. Although a lot of scientific studies are not done on it it’s still safer than smoking. Once you start vaping you will surely end up leaving the habit of smoking.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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