How long does CBD really stay in your system?

How long does CBD really stay

The world is moving towards a cannabis way of life. More users are interested in using Cannabis to understand how it can influence their health and wellbeing. The market is brimming with fresh new products with CBD infusion. A wide variety of products ranging from CBD oils to balms, topicals, creams, and more are taking over the market. As cannabis expands to capture more sectors, it is time to answer one of the most common questions among users. One of the biggest concerns for users looking to explore CBD is understanding how it would reflect on their blood reports. The fact that the use of Cannabis shows in your blood work is known to all. But CBD is a non-psychoactive compound of the cannabis seeds, which has gained popularity in the limited time it has made its way into the market. But how this compound interacts with the body and how long will the traces indicating the use of CBD or cannabis stay in your system are essential facts users need to understand.

CBD is an active cannabidiol that constitutes the cannabis plant. When users consume CBD, only 35% of the entire dose gets absorbed by the body. The rest gets stored in the fat cells or gets excreted. Considering these factors, the typical half-life of CBD in your body is about 3-5 days. But the number of days will vary significantly based on your usage. Several factors come into play when you wish to understand how long does CBD really stay in your system.

  1. The amount of CBD you use: The general rule when it comes to any substance that leaves traces in the body is, the higher the dose, the longer it is traceable. Typical CBD dosage per day could be anywhere between 2 – 8 mg for beginners. It is a nominal amount which might hardly remain in the bloodstream for more than a few hours. Dosages above this tend to be higher levels. Although these dosages are entirely safe for the body, they do remain in the bloodstream for long and hence stay detectable at least for a couple of days. A study from 2005 published in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring suggests that a mixture of CBD and THC in 1.35 grams to 2.5 grams was detectable only for 6 hours. The presence of other substances that are traceable in the bloodstream also has a strong influence on determining CBD presence in the body.
  2. The level of THC traces in the product: Most CBD products are derived from the hemp plant, which has significantly lower levels of THC concentration. All licensed products contain less than 0.3% THC concentration. Yet THC is a prominent substance as compared to CBD when it comes to traceability. Hence products that contain a higher level of THC tend to show up long after usage than usual in the blood works.
  3. The type of CBD: CBD can be categorized into three different types – Full-spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and Isolate. In the case of the full and broad-spectrum, the products contain a profile of cannabinoids apart from CBD. Hence the traces also tend to remain longer in your body. CBD isolates are pure cannabinoids used for focussed treatments. These products contain no trace of THC or other cannabinoids and hence do not stay for a long time in the system. To reap all benefits one can choose among a wide array of weedsmart products easily.
  4. How often or longer have you been using it: It is also a factor that contributes to developing tolerance overtime. When you consume regular doses of CBD for a long time, the compound tends to start building up in your body that may cause it to remain for a long time. It means that the traces of the compound will stay in the blood long after usage too. Doctors recommend that users try out CBD in prescribed doses for just a week to observe the kind of effect it has on the body. It can help you make further decisions on whether the substance is working for you or not. Also, regularly taking heavy doses means that you might begin to develop tolerance, requiring you to use more of the compound for the same effects. In all these cases, the number of days the substance is traceable in your system keeps increasing.
  5. Your Diet: Depending on what, how much, and when you take your CBD dose with respect to your diet, you can determine how long it could stay in the system. For example, if you take your CBD dose on an empty stomach, the dose needed is lower, and the effects also kick in faster. And given there is no food to digest, the substance may not be traceable for long. Now consider if you have the same dose after a full meal. In this case, the level of dosage required will also be slightly higher, and the digestion may also take longer. Hence the compound remains for long in the system. There are also a few foods that might increase the efficiency of the CBD consumed and therefore leave behind hardly any traces in your system.
  6. Your metabolism: CBD has different levels of interaction and response to different body types. Every individual has a unique experience with CBD, and hence how long it stays traceable also varies from person to person. Individual`s body parameter such as body mass index, water retention, hormonal metabolism plays a vital role in determining how long CBD can remain traceable. These factors also affect the typical dosage required in individuals that influences the amount detectable in the body.
  7. The method of consumption: There are several ways of consuming CBD. You could use oils, tinctures, capsules, balms, topicals, creams, ingestible, and energy drinks. One of the most important factors that determine the levels of interactions of CBD with the body is the method of consuming the compound. With a wide array of products available on sites like weedsmart’s website, one can opt for different methods of consuming CBD. The mode that you use to introduce CBD determines how long it takes to bind with your body completely. The reason behind this is that each of these systems has varying concentrations of CB receptors. For example, techniques that use the digestive system involve slow processing of the compound, and hence it remains in the system for long. In the case of methods such as vaping, the effects are almost immediate, and thus one can observe that the compound does not remain in your system for long. A similar result is possible in the case of tinctures and capsules too.
  8. How long it took to kick in and wear off: All the above-mentioned factors directly influence how long CBD takes to kick in your system and wear off. Some methods kick in fast and stay in the system for long, whereas some take a long time to kick in and wear off almost immediately.
    Rope in all these factors to determine how long CBD remains in your system. The traces could stay anywhere between 3 days to 10 days based on the factors mentioned above.
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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.

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