
Is Vaping The Best Way to Enjoy CBD?

Is Vaping The Best Way to Enjoy CBD

Cannabidiol, or CBD as it is commonly referred to in a non-psychoactive compound found in both cannabis and hemp plants.

Across Europe and the Americas, the popularity and interest in CBD is exploding as cannabis connoisseurs and vape virgins alike widen their knowledge on this interesting compound.

Vape veterans will obviously best enjoy CBD in a CBD Vape Juice but there are actually over a dozen ways to enjoy it so we thought we’d explore just how effecting vaping is when compared to other ingestion methods.

What does bioavailability mean?

Just because you ingest 150mg of CBD it doesn’t necessarily mean that the entire 150g dose will be absorbed and used by the body

Different methods of ingestions can affect the amount of CBD that is made available for your body to use making some methods more cost-effective and efficient than others. This is what bioavailability means; the degree and speed CBD reaches your bloodstream.

How effective is Oral Consumption?

There are many ways to consume CBD orally with some of the most popular being capsules, drinks and edibles ( I personally love the CBD Gummy bears!).

Despite being one of the easiest and natural feeling ways to enjoy CBD, oral ingestion is likely to not be the most effective.

I’m sure you’ll have read before that the human body is made up of over 70% water? Unfortunately, CBD is not water soluble so does not mix well with your blood.

Furthermore, when ingested orally before it even reaches the bloodstream it has to take a journey through your digestive system, passing through your intestines, your stomach and finally your liver. Your liver’s job is to restrict the amount of CBD that reaches your bloodstream and it achieves this by breaking the compound down with enzymes.

As a result, when you consume CBD orally only 20% is available for your body to use.

The journey from your mouth to your bloodstream can sometimes take up to 2 hours if your dose was taken on a full stomach

As a result, oral ingestion is one the the slower and less effective ways to enjoy CBD.

Under the tongue

Underneath your tongue there is a special gland called the sublingual gland – it offers direct absorption into the bloodstream which is why it’s a popular way to enjoy CBD.

When taken sublingually, CBD has a bioavailability of up to 35% making it more efficient than oral. This method also is one the fast was to feel its effect; users acknowledge the CBD working within 5 minutes.

Another advantage of sublingual ingestion is consistency and measurability. With drops or a spray, your dose can be very concise so you know exactly the amount your taking.

Vaping CBD

In both the US and the UK, CBD Vape Juice is possibly the most widespread form of CBD Concentrate. When vaping, CBD enters passes straight into the lungs where it is absorbed straight into the bloodstream so its effects are typically felt by users within a few minutes.

Vapers can enjoy one the most effective ways to enjoy CBD as research suggests the methods having a bioavailability of up to 50% making it by far on the most efficient and cost-effective ways to enjoy CBD.

Using the estimated bioavailability rates, if you ingested 75mg CBD using the previously mentioned methods, your body would actually have :

Orally – 15mg

Tounge – 26mg

Vaping – 32mg

available for use, making a powerful case for vaping! However, everyone has there own preferences and you should do your own research and choose the method that works best for you.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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