
Unravelling 5 Vaping Myths

Vaping a Gateway to Smoking

Vaping is big business these days, with smoking tobacco products banned in many public places, yet there are still a number of myths that are routinely repeated about vaping. We have put together a list of the most popular misconceptions about vaping, in as simple terms as possible!

1: We Don’t Know What’s In E-Liquids

This is a popular misunderstanding, and goes hand in hand with the often repeated myth that e-liquids are unregulated. In fact, the rules regarding e-cigarettes in the UK are very strict indeed, have been carefully formulated, and are designed to be clear and concise as to what you can expect. All such products must be labelled with full instructions and be easy to read, so you know exactly what is in your e-cigarette or e-liquid before you buy.

2: As E-cigarettes Contain Nicotine they Must be Harmful

This common mistaken belief stems from people failing to understand what causes the harm in tobacco cigarettes. Scientific studies have shown that while nicotine is the element that brings about addiction, it is far from being the most harmful substance in a cigarette. The problems come from the many chemicals that are found in cigarette smoke, hence the smoke itself being harmful to bystanders. Two of the most dangerous compounds in cigarettes – tar and carbon monoxide – are absent from e-cigarettes. If you buy premium E-liquids you are also getting a guarantee of a quality product, with all the safeguards that come with it.

3: Vaping is Harmful to Others

Following on from the above is the belief that the vapour from e-cigarettes is harmful to others who inhale it, much as the smoke from tobacco products has proven to be: this is not correct. E-cigarette vapour does not carry any of the harmful compounds found in tobacco smoke, such as those mentioned above, and there have been no cases of ‘passive vaping’ complications. There are provisos, however, in that some people – such as asthmatics – could be affected by the vapour, and many people simply don’t like it, so be responsible and think of others when using your e-cigarette.

4: E-cigarettes Inspire Youngsters to Smoke

They don’t; studies have shown that the vast majority of users of e-cigarettes are people who already smoke tobacco products, and want to switch or cut down. Youngsters do experiment with e-cigarettes, but there is no evidence of it being a route into smoking. Also, the number of young people smoking is in notable decline.

5: The ‘Popcorn Lung’ Myth

There is an ongoing misconception that insists e-cigarettes lead to a condition called ‘Popcorn Lung’, which is a nickname for the serious lung disease bronchiolitis obliterans. This disease can be caused by high exposure to an ingredient called Diacetyl. However, Diacetyl is banned from all e-cigarettes and liquids in the UK, so that dispels this myth!

There is no doubt that vaping is the way to go if you want to enjoy the pleasure of smoking without the dangers – both to you and those around you – so we hope this article has given you some reassurance.

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Martin B.

Ex-smoker, passionate vaper who loves to tell the world about the life-changing potential of vaping. Co-creator of Ecigclopedia with a background in Business & Finance. Prefers a dessert flavored vape and loves to innovate.
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